Happy Art Factory by Yoko Ayukawa -Yobe Gallery
Happy Art Factory by Yoko Ayukawa -Yobe Gallery
Life should be full of color! Come view the RL artist Yoko Ayukwawa’s exhibition and add color to yours! You will walk inside her factory and be surrounded by her works that were recently featured in a major exhibit in one of Tokyo's premier galleries.
エネルギーが迸ってる「色彩のロックンロール!」と名付けた俺 It's a gush of energy, "Rock 'n' Roll with Color!" I named it |
グイグイ来ます It's coming in hard. |
グイグイ! Giggle! |
陽子さんのプロフの横にフリービーも置いてありました Also, next to Yoko's profile is a free piece of artwork |
この色、リアルでも欲しいソファ I want a sofa in this color in real life. |
作品に囲まれる図、素晴らしい! Surrounded by art, it's wonderful. |
踊りながら移動ありw There is moving while dancing |
いいわー wonderful |
ここに住みたいぐらいですねw I would so much like to live here. |
作品見ているので後ろ姿ばかりw I am looking at the artwork, so I can only see the back. |
これが今回ものすごく気に入った作品、かっちょいー This is the piece I really liked this time, cool! |
さまざまな仕掛けが至る所にありました Various tricks were everywhere. |
是非、行ってみてください! Please go! |